Meta Description tags play an important role to optimize your blog in search results. Generally Meta tags provide all information about your Blog or website to search results. If you want to make your blog's content more search engine friendly then you have to add meta tags to your blog. By default in blogger custom template meta description function is disable, therefore we manually need to insert this code to blog to make its features perfectly as a best site. I told you a best and simple method to make your blog perfect optimized to search engines. Follow my instructions to add meta tags to your blog;

Enable Meta tags to blogger

1. Go to Blogger Dashboard> Settings> Search Preferences
2. Click on Edit link
3. Choose "Enable Search Description"
4. Inside the box, you can only add 150 characters as description.

5. Click Save Changes

This will automatically add meta tags for your blog homepage and you will also activate the Search Description option inside post editor like;

Now in the above method you are able to have a dynamic meta description for your blog home page. With the new age everyone using blogger custom templates and one thing should be remember that sometime these meta description will not work as well and you will not be able to see the meta description for home page while if you check them in page view source file. There fore you have to also manually add meta tags to your blog, follow my steps to do it.

1. Go To Design > Edit HTML
2. Backup your template
3. Copy the below set of code
4. Just below <head> add the following dynamic code for meta description
<meta content='Write Description Here' name='Description'/><meta content='Write Keywords Here' name='Keywords'/><meta content='Muhammad Tariq Rafique' name='Author'/>

1. Replace "Write Description Here" with Description of you blog.
2. Replace "Write Keywords Here" with Keyword of your blog.
Note: Keywords should be separated by Commas( , ).
3. Replace "Muhammad Tariq Rafique" with your name.

Finally you are done. Now you need not worry about Meta Description.


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